Where and how to file a complaint?

If you believe that your rights or the rights of others have been violated by the actions of the police officer, below is the contact information that will help you, if you decide to file a complaint.

According to the findings of the research conducted within the project “Police and Respect for Human Rights in BiH”, the most common reasons why citizens, legal entities and other entities file complaints about the work of police officers are unprofessional and incorrect behavior, or other behavior that damages the reputation of the police (these behaviors can be bribery, swearing, insults, etc.), issuing misdemeanor warrants and failing to comply with reports.

When it comes to police authorizations in particular, research has shown that citizens, legal entities and other entities most often complain about the use of force, issuing warnings or orders, receiving reports and inspecting persons, goods and means of transport.

It is not uncommon for complaints from citizens, legal entities and other entities to be unfounded, and the most common reasons for this are lack of knowledge about police authorizations and regulations, ie actions committed by a police officer and subject to complaints are not in conflict with statutory authorizations. Also, a very important element of unfounded appeals is the lack of evidence!

What should a complaint contain?

In order to facilitate the process of dealing with the complaint as much as possible, there are certain questions that need to be answered as clearly, accurately and in detail as possible when submitting:

  • Who is the complainant? – It is desirable that the complaint contains the name, surname and contact information of the complainant;
  • Where? – The place of the event which is the subject of the appeal;
  • When? – Date and time of the event which is the subject of the appeal;
  • What? – The most detailed description of the event that is the subject of the complaint;
  • Who? – Information about the police officer to whom the complaint relates or other information that will help in his/her identification; information on possible witnesses to the event.

Also, in addition to the appeal, it would be useful to attach any relevant evidence.

Where and how to file a complaint?


Citizens, legal entities and other entities may file a complaint against the work of a police officer in the police agency to which they belong in special independent bodies established for that purpose. These bodies usually bear names such as the Citizens’ Complaints Board or the Public Complaints Office. They are mainly established at all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In general, their responsibilities are to receive complaints, forward complaints to the competent police agency, monitor the complaint procedure and inform the complainant.

The police agency to which the officer belongs is competent to act upon the complaint against the work of the police officer, more specifically an organizational unit of the police agency that may bear a name such as the Professional Standards Unit or the Internal Control Department.


Depending on the place and available possibilities, citizens, legal entities and other entities can file a complaint against the work of a police officer in two ways:

  • Orally – by going to the premises of the police agency or by phone;
  • In writing – by submitting a written complaint* to the police agency, by fax, e-mail, mail and mailbox for complaints and grievances to the public.

*You can see an example of a written complaint form by clicking here (form downloaded from the official website of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

If you believe that your rights or the rights of others have been violated by the actions of the police officer, below is the contact information that will help you, if you decide to file a complaint.

Offices / Boards for Citizens' Complaints / Public Complaints

Citizens' Complaint Board on Work of the Police Officers in Police Bodies in BiH

Parlamentarna skupština BiH, Odbor za žalbe građana,
Trg BiH broj 1, 71000 Sarajevo
odbor.zalbe@ parlament.ba
033 286 067

Citizens' Complaints Board of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton

Skupština BPK Goražde, ul. 1. Slavne višegradske brigade 2A Goražde,
broj telefona:

Citizens' Complaints Board of Tuzla Canton

Parlamentarna skupština BiH, Odbor za žalbe građana,
Trg BiH broj 1, 71000 Sarajevo
033 286 067

Citizens' Complaints Board of Zenica-Doboj Canton

Zeničko-dobojski kanton, Skupština,
Ured za pritužbe javnosti“,
ul. Kučukovići br. 2,

Commission for Public Safety and Supervision of the Work of the Police of the Brcko District of BiH

Skupština Brčko distrikta BiH, Komiisja za praćenje rada Vlade, institucije Distrikta i predstavke građana,
Mladena Maglova 1 Brčko 71100
049/ 215 516, lokal 213

Citizens' Complaints Board of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Parlament Federacije BiH, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 3, 71000 Sarajevo 033/ 219 190 dom.naroda.info @parlamentfbih.gov.ba

Citizens' Complaints Board of Posavina Canton

Treća ulica broj 20. 76270 Orašje
Telefon: +387 31 712 544
Tel/fax: +387 31 712 044
e-mail: mup@zp.gov.ba

Citizens' Complaints Board of Central Bosnia Canton

Aleja Konzula bb, Travnik
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova SBK/KSB
030/ 546 200
030/ 518 290

Citizens' Complaints Board of Canton 10

Ulica Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića 8 80101 Livno

Citizens' Complaints Board of Sarajevo Canton

Mis Irbina broj 1. 71000 Sarajevo 033/ 562 044

Citizens' Complaints Board of Una-Sana Canton

Skupština Unsko-sanskog kantona, Ulica Alije Đerzeleza broj 2.
77000 Bihać
037/ 316 000
037/ 316 050

Police agencies / ministries of the interior

Ministry of Interior of Tuzla Canton

Turalibegova bb 75 000 Tuzla-Jedinica za profesionalne standarde
Prijava putem broja
035 250 011-operativni centar ili pozivom na 122.
Prijava putem kontakt forme na službenoj stranici MUP TK-a (www.muptk.ba) i putem kontakt@muptk.ba
i klikom na link prijavite korupciju

Ministry of the Interior of the West Herzegovina County

Ulica IV Brigade HVO Stjepan Radić 11, 88320 Ljubuški
tel: +387 (0) 39 830 803
fax: +387 (0) 39 830 830

State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA)

Nikole Tesle 59, 71123 Istočno Sarajevo
tel: + 387 (0) 57 32 61 00
fax: + 387 (0) 57 34 29 24
e-mail: sipa@sipa.gov.ba
website: www.sipa.gov.ba

Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Glavni ured Granične policije: Reufa Muhića 2a, 71000 Sarajevo
tel: + 387 (0) 33 755 300,
+ 387 (0) 33 755 305,
+ 387 (0) 33 755 306
e-mail: granpol@granpol.gov.ba

Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aleja Bosne Srebrene bb,
71000 Sarajevo
tel: + 387 (0) 33 779 000
fax: + 387 (0) 33 779 010
e-mail: direkcija@dkpt.gov.ba

Federal Police Administration

Mehmeda Spahe br. 7,
71000 Sarajevo
tel: + 387 (0) 33 28 00 20
fax: + 387 (0) 33 59 02 33
e-mail: kabinet@fup.gov.ba

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton

La Benevolencija 16,
71000 Sarajevo
tel: + 387(0) 33 286-700
e-mail: mup@mup.ks.gov.ba

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Zenica-Doboj Canton

Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1,
72000 Zenica
tel: + 387 (0) 32 449-249
e-mail: mupzdk@mupzdk.gov.ba

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Una-Sana Canton

Ulica 502. viteške brdske brigade 2,
77000 Bihać
tel: + 387 (0) 37 224 224
e-mail: http://mupusk.gov.ba

Ministry of Interior of the Central Bosnia Canton

Aleja Konzula bb,
72270 Travnik
tel: + 387 (0) 30 546 200
e-mail: mup@sbk-ksb.gov.ba

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Posavina Canton

3. Ulica, 76270 Orašje
tel: + 387 (0) 31 712 044
e-mail: mup@zp.gov.ba
www.zupanijaposavska.ba/ ministarstvo_unutarnjih-poslova

Ministry of Interior of Canton 10

Slivija Stahimira Kranjčevića,
80101 Livno
tel: + 387 (0) 34 201900
fax: + 387 (0) 34 200 381
e-mail: info@mupk10.gov.ba

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton

Brune Bušića, 88000 Mostar
tel: + 387 (0) 36 383 111
fax: + 387 (0) 36 327 147
e-mail: kabinet.ministar@muphnk.ba

Ministry of the Interior of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton

Zaima Imamovića 5, 73000 Goražde
tel: + 387 (0) 38 221 532
fax: + 387 (0) 38 224161
e-mail: info@bpkg.gov.ba

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska

Bulevar Desanke Maksimović 4, 78000 Banja Luka
tel: + 387 (0) 51 338 478
fax: + 387 (0) 51 338 844
e-mail: mup@mup.vladars.net
website: www.mup.vladars.net

Police of Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ciglana 8, 76100 Brčko
tel: + 387 (0) 49 233 200
fax: +387 (0) 49 216 779
e-mail: brcko@policijabdbih.gov.ba

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